CLI Command Line Reference
**For best results use Control F on your keyboard and paste the CLI command in question from your dump into the box that pops up. **
GET command
Type a "get" and part of a CLI command name (example: "get acc"). The cli will return all CLI commands that have the name part with the current value plus what the valid value range or valid Names. This is a very handy feature and allows easy to find variable names that can then be copy/pasted from the CLI display to the command line entry box.
align_gyro = DEFAULT Allowed values: DEFAULT, CW0, CW90, CW180, CW270, CW0FLIP, CW90FLIP, CW180FLIP, CW270FLIP Used to orient the gyro chip in the direction of flight. (less CPU load than Board orientation)
gyro_hardware_lpf = NORMAL Allowed values: NORMAL, 1KHZ_SAMPLING, EXPERIMENTAL Gyro Low pass filter setting
gyro_32khz_hardware_lpf = NORMAL Allowed values: NORMAL, EXPERIMENTAL 32K gyro low pass filter setting
gyro_sync_denom = 1 Allowed range: 1 - 32 gyro sync denominator used for blackbox. example Gyro_sync_denom = 8 means blackbox records 1/8th of the gyro data.
gyro_lowpass_type = BIQUAD Allowed values: PT1, BIQUAD
gyro_lowpass_hz = 150 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
gyro_lowpass2_type = PT1 Allowed values: PT1, BIQUAD
gyro_lowpass2_hz = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
gyro_notch1_hz = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
gyro_notch1_cutoff = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
gyro_notch2_hz = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
gyro_notch2_cutoff = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
gyro_calib_duration = 125 Allowed range: 50 - 3000
gyro_calib_noise_limit = 48 Allowed range: 0 - 200
gyro_overflow_detect = ALL Allowed values: OFF, YAW, ALL Axis where gyro overflow detection applies Gyro_overflow_detect is special code intended to deal with overflow issues on ICM gyros. The default is to be on, for all axes. It is unwise to disable this if your quad has an ICM gyro. It is not needed or helpful for MPU gyros.
ICM gyros are susceptible to overflow-inversion problems if exposed to very high turn rates. If enabled and set to ALL, overflow protection will kick in and disable all PIDs whenever any axis exceeds 1950 degrees/second.
yaw_spin_recovery = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON Yaw-Spin-Recovery-and-Gyro-Overflow-Detect This new feature, enabled by default in betaflight 3.4, reduces the severity and duration of un-commanded severe yaw spins. For example, if a quadcopter clips a gate, tree, branch or other object and causes a high rate yaw spin, it may go into a 'never-ending' uncontrollable spin. Typically it makes a distinctive warbling noise and climbs rapidly - the so-called Yaw Spin To The Moon (YSTTM) problem. 3.4 introduces two code features that should bring such spins under control more quickly and cleanly. Yaw Spin Recovery is intended primarily for FPV pilots, and works best with MPU gyros. LOS acro pilots who use high yaw rates may prefer to disable this function.
yaw_spin_threshold = 1950 Allowed range: 500 - 1950 The 'threshold' value is the spin rate, in degrees per second, at which the spin protection kicks in. The default threshold of 1950 was chosen to minimise false triggering. For FPV, a lower value, e.g. 100-200 above your maximum configured yaw rate, is recommended. For example, a quad with a maximum configured yaw rate of 700 degrees/sec: Too low a threshold may cause false triggering, and delay return to normal control.
gyro_use_32khz = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
gyro_to_use = FIRST Allowed values: FIRST, SECOND, BOTH
dyn_notch_range = AUTO Allowed values: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, AUTO
dyn_notch_width_percent = 8 Allowed range: 0 - 20
dyn_notch_q = 120 Allowed range: 1 - 1000
dyn_notch_min_hz = 150 Allowed range: 1 - 1000
dyn_lpf_gyro_min_hz = 150 Allowed range: 0 - 1000
dyn_lpf_gyro_max_hz = 450 Allowed range: 0 - 1000
align_acc = DEFAULT Allowed values: DEFAULT, CW0, CW90, CW180, CW270, CW0FLIP, CW90FLIP, CW180FLIP, CW270FLIP
acc_hardware = AUTO Allowed values: AUTO, NONE, ADXL345, MPU6050, MMA8452, BMA280, LSM303DLHC, MPU6000, MPU6500, MPU9250, ICM20601, ICM20602, ICM20608G, ICM20649, ICM20689, BMI160, FAKE
acc_lpf_hz = 10 Allowed range: 0 - 400
acc_trim_pitch = 0 Allowed range: -300 - 300
acc_trim_roll = 0 Allowed range: -300 - 300
acc_calibration = 0,0,0 Array length: 3
mid_rc = 1500 Allowed range: 1200 - 1700
min_check = 1050 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
max_check = 1900 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
rssi_channel = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 18
rssi_src_frame_errors = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
rssi_scale = 100 Allowed range: 1 - 255
rssi_invert = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
rc_interp = AUTO Allowed values: OFF, PRESET, AUTO, MANUAL
rc_interp_ch = RPYT Allowed values: RP, RPY, RPYT, T, RPT
rc_interp_int = 19 Allowed range: 1 - 50
rc_interp_ch = RPYT Allowed values: RP, RPY, RPYT, T, RPT
rc_interp_int = 19 Allowed range: 1 - 50
rc_smoothing_type = FILTER Allowed values: INTERPOLATION, FILTER see 3.4 tuning notes
rc_smoothing_input_hz = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 255 Spektrum-and-RC-Smoothing-Filter
rc_smoothing_derivative_hz = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 255 Spektrum-and-RC-Smoothing-Filter
rc_smoothing_debug_axis = ROLL Allowed values: ROLL, PITCH, YAW, THROTTLE
rc_smoothing_input_type = BIQUAD Allowed values: PT1, BIQUAD
rc_smoothing_derivative_type = BIQUAD Allowed values: OFF, PT1, BIQUAD
rc_smoothing_auto_smoothness = 10 Allowed range: 0 - 50
fpv_mix_degrees = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 90
max_aux_channels = 14 Allowed range: 0 - 14
serialrx_provider = SPEK1024 Allowed values: SPEK1024, SPEK2048, SBUS, SUMD, SUMH, XB-B, XB-B-RJ01, IBUS, JETIEXBUS, CRSF, SRXL, CUSTOM, FPORT
serialrx_inverted = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
spektrum_sat_bind = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 10
spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
airmode_start_throttle_percent = 32 Allowed range: 0 - 100 This keeps AirMode OFF until the the first time throttle reaches this value. AirMode is always on after this. Note that 3D users have to reconfigure their threshold to something else otherwise airmode would be always enabled.
x_min_usec = 885 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
rx_max_usec = 2115 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
serialrx_halfduplex = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
adc_device = 1 Allowed range: 0 - 3
adc_vrefint_calibration = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
adc_tempsensor_calibration30 = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
adc_tempsensor_calibration110 = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
input_filtering_mode = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
blackbox_p_ratio = 32 Allowed range: 0 - 32767
blackbox_device = SDCARD Allowed values: NONE, SPIFLASH, SDCARD, SERIAL
blackbox_record_acc = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
blackbox_mode = NORMAL Allowed values: NORMAL, MOTOR_TEST, ALWAYS
min_throttle = 1070 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
pid_at_min_throttle = ON profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON pid_at_min_throttle enables the copter to continue process the PID algorithm even at minimum throttle. But pid_at_min_throttle only keeps P and D active, I is zero’ed
max_throttle = 2000 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
min_command = 1000 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
dshot_idle_value = 550 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
dshot_burst = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON details
use_unsynced_pwm = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
motor_pwm_protocol = ONESHOT125 Allowed values: OFF, ONESHOT125, ONESHOT42, MULTISHOT, BRUSHED, DSHOT150, DSHOT300, DSHOT600, DSHOT1200, PROSHOT1000
motor_pwm_rate = 480 Allowed range: 200 - 32000
motor_pwm_inversion = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
motor_poles = 14 Allowed range: 4 - 255 The escs report erpm which needs to be converted to rpm using the number of poles (magnets) of the motors. Regular 5" motors have 14 poles and that's the default setting. Smaller motors have less poles, often 12. Count them or look up the motor specs details
thr_corr_value = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 150
thr_corr_angle = 800 Allowed range: 1 - 900
failsafe_delay = 4 Allowed range: 0 - 200
failsafe_throttle = 1000 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100 Allowed range: 0 - 300
failsafe_switch_mode = STAGE1 Allowed values: STAGE1, KILL, STAGE2
failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100 Allowed range: 0 - 300
failsafe_procedure = DROP Allowed values: AUTO-LAND, DROP, GPS-RESCUE
align_board_roll = 0 Allowed range: -180 - 360
align_board_pitch = 0 Allowed range: -180 - 360
align_board_yaw = 0 Allowed range: -180 - 360
gimbal_mode = NORMAL Allowed values: NORMAL, MIXTILT
bat_capacity = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 20000
vbat_max_cell_voltage = 430 Allowed range: 100 - 500
vbat_full_cell_voltage = 410 Allowed range: 100 - 500
vbat_min_cell_voltage = 330 Allowed range: 100 - 500
vbat_warning_cell_voltage = 350 Allowed range: 100 - 500
vbat_hysteresis = 1 Allowed range: 0 - 250
current_meter = ADC Allowed values: NONE, ADC, VIRTUAL, ESC, MSP
battery_meter = ADC Allowed values: NONE, ADC, ESC
vbat_detect_cell_voltage = 300 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
use_vbat_alerts = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
use_cbat_alerts = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
cbat_alert_percent = 10 Allowed range: 0 - 100
force_battery_cell_count = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 24
vbat_scale = 110 Allowed range: 0 - 255
vbat_divider = 10 Allowed range: 1 - 255
vbat_multiplier = 1 Allowed range: 1 - 255
ibata_scale = 250 Allowed range: -16000 - 16000
**ibata_set **
ibatv_scale = 0 Allowed range: -16000 - 16000
**ibatv_set **
beeper_inversion = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
beeper_od = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
beeper_frequency = 3800 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
beeper_dshot_beacon_tone = 1 Allowed range: 1 - 5
yaw_motors_reversed = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
crashflip_motor_percent = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
3d_deadband_low = 1406 Allowed range: 750 - 1500
3d_deadband_high = 1514 Allowed range: 1500 - 2250
3d_neutral = 1460 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
3d_deadband_throttle = 50 Allowed range: 1 - 100
3d_limit_low = 1000 Allowed range: 750 - 1500
3d_limit_high = 2000 Allowed range: 1500 - 2250
3d_switched_mode = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
servo_center_pulse = 1500 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
servo_pwm_rate = 50 Allowed range: 50 - 498
servo_lowpass_hz = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 400
tri_unarmed_servo = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
channel_forwarding_start = 4 Allowed range: 4 - 18
reboot_character = 82 Allowed range: 48 - 126
serial_update_rate_hz = 100 Allowed range: 100 - 2000
imu_dcm_kp = 2500 Allowed range: 0 - 32000
imu_dcm_ki = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 32000
small_angle = 25 Allowed range: 0 - 180
auto_disarm_delay = 5 Allowed range: 0 - 60
gyro_cal_on_first_arm = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
gps_provider = NMEA Allowed values: NMEA, UBLOX, MSP
gps_sbas_mode = AUTO Allowed values: AUTO, EGNOS, WAAS, MSAS, GAGAN
gps_auto_config = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
gps_auto_baud = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
gps_ublox_use_galileo = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
gps_rescue_angle = 32 Allowed range: 0 - 200 GPS-rescue-mode
gps_rescue_initial_alt = 50 Allowed range: 20 - 100
gps_rescue_descent_dist = 200 Allowed range: 30 - 500
gps_rescue_ground_speed = 2000 Allowed range: 30 - 3000
gps_rescue_throttle_p = 150 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_throttle_i = 20 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_throttle_d = 50 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_velocity_p = 80 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_velocity_i = 20 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_velocity_d = 15 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_yaw_p = 40 Allowed range: 0 - 500
gps_rescue_throttle_min = 1200 Allowed range: 1000 - 2000
gps_rescue_throttle_max = 1600 Allowed range: 1000 - 2000
gps_rescue_throttle_hover = 1280 Allowed range: 1000 - 2000
gps_rescue_min_sats = 8 Allowed range: 0 - 50
gps_rescue_min_dth = 100 Allowed range: 50 - 1000
3d_deadband_low = 1406 Allowed range: 750 - 1500
3d_deadband_high = 1514 Allowed range: 1500 - 2250
3d_deadband_throttle = 50 Allowed range: 1 - 100
deadband = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 32
yaw_deadband = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
yaw_deadband = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
yaw_control_reversed = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
pid_process_denom = 4 Allowed range: 1 - 16
Runaway-Takeoff-Prevention Set this to OFF to completely disable the feature. Note that there will be no protection against runaway takeoff events and the firmware will behave as it did before the feature was implemented.
The remaining parameters affect the logic used to detect normal controlled flight and deactivate the feature for the remainder of the battery:
This is the amount of successful flight time in milliseconds that must be accumulated to deactivate the feature. Valid values range from 100 (0.1 seconds) to 1000 (1 second). The default value of 500 (0.5 seconds) seems to be very reliable and shouldn't need to be adjusted. The goal is to deactivate the logic after a "reasonable" but short period of time once we've determined the craft is flying normally. However we want it to deactivate before we might reach the first point where a crash or other event may occur (like at the first gate during a race). Raising this value will delay the deactivation and it's possible that a crash or gate/branch clip could cause an unintended disarm. Lowering this value too much could result in the logic deactivating too soon and not providing protection in a runaway event. It's important to note that the delay is the accumulated amount of flight time where the other criteria like throttle level, stick activity, etc. are met. Thus the "real" elapsed time before deactivation may be longer than 0.5 seconds if the throttle was dropping below the limit or if the R/P/Y sticks were centered. The actual behavior can be viewed by using blackbox logging - see the debugging section below.
Determines the minimum throttle percentage threshold where successful flight can be considered. Valid values range from 0 to 100. Along with throttle level the logic also requires activity on the roll, pitch or yaw sticks along with the PID controller successfully controlling the craft with the PID_sum staying under control. When these conditions are met the logic accumulates successful flight time. Generally you won't need to adjust this value as most quads require around 25% or more throttle to takeoff/hover. The exception may be if you have and extremely powerful or light craft that is capable of flying well below 25% throttle. In this case you may want to lower this value closer to your actual hover throttle percent. If this value is set too low it's possible that the logic will deactivate too quickly and may not trigger in a real runaway event. Setting it too high will result in the logic taking more flight time to deactivate as it only accumulates flight time when the throttle is above the setting.
tlm_inverted = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
tlm_halfduplex = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
frsky_default_lat = 0 Allowed range: -9000 - 9000
frsky_default_long = 0 Allowed range: -18000 - 18000
frsky_gps_format = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 1
frsky_unit = IMPERIAL Allowed values: IMPERIAL, METRIC
frsky_vfas_precision = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 1
hott_alarm_int = 5 Allowed range: 0 - 120
pid_in_tlm = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
report_cell_voltage = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
ibus_sensor = 1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Array length: 15
mavlink_mah_as_heading_divisor = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 30000
ledstrip_visual_beeper = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON When set to on, and the LEDLOW mode is active (i.e. LED strip off), blink the LED strip in synch with beeping, as a visual indicator in cases where the craft is too far away for the beeper to be heard / multiple craft are flying.
ledstrip_grb_rgb = GRB Allowed values: GRB, RGB For more info see the ledstrip development page
sdcard_detect_inverted = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
sdcard_mode = SPI Allowed values: OFF, SPI, SDIO
sdcard_dma = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
sdcard_spi_bus = 2 Allowed range: 0 - 3
osd_units = METRIC Allowed values: IMPERIAL, METRIC
osd_warn_arming_disable = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
osd_warn_batt_not_full = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
osd_profile = 1 Allowed range: 1 - 3
system_hse_mhz = 8 Allowed range: 0 - 30
task_statistics = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
rate_6pos_switch = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
cpu_overclock = OFF Allowed values: OFF, 192MHZ, 216MHZ, 240MHZ
pwr_on_arm_grace = 5 Allowed range: 0 - 30
vtx_band = 4 Allowed range: 0 - 5 0=user, 1=A, 2=B, 3=E, 4=F(Airwaves/Fatshark), 5=Raceband
vtx_channel = 1 Allowed range: 1 - 8 VTX-CLI-Settings
vtx_power = 1 Allowed range: 0 - 4 for SmartAudio: 0=25mW, 1=25mW, 2=200mW, 3=500mW, 4=800mW for TBS Unify Nano: 0=25mW, 1=25mW, 2=50mW for IRC-Tramp: 0=25mW, 1=25mW, 2=100mW, 3=200mW, 4=400mW, 5=600mW
vtx_low_power_disarm = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON, UNTIL_FIRST_ARM If ON and the flight controller is disarmed, the video transmitter output power will be set to its lowest value (vtx_power=1). Otherwise, the video transmitter output power will be set to the configured 'vtx_power' value. (Note one exception: If a receiver failsafe has occurred then the output power will not be lowered.)
vtx_freq = 5740 Allowed range: 0 - 5999 if vtx_band!=0 and VTX connected then shows freq in MHz if vtx_band==0 then sets frequency in MHz if vtx_band==0 and vtx_freq==0 then the settings will not be sent out to the VTX For example, to configure the VTX to use band 'F' and channel '6' (5840 MHz), enter the CLI and input: set vtx_band = 4 set vtx_channel = 6 save The VTX configuration will not be changed until after the 'save' and restart. If it is successful then entering 'get vtx_freq' will show the current frequency value in MHz.
Frequency table: Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Band 1: 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725 (A: Boscam A / TBS / RC305) Band 2: 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866 (B: Boscam B) Band 3: 5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945 (E: Boscam E / DJI) Band 4: 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880 (F: IRC NexWave / Fatshark) Band 5: 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917 (R: Raceband)
vtx_pit_mode_freq = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 5999
vtx_halfduplex = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
vcd_video_system = AUTO Allowed values: AUTO, PAL, NTSC
max7456_clock = DEFAULT Allowed values: HALF, DEFAULT, FULL
max7456_spi_bus = 3 Allowed range: 0 - 3
max7456_preinit_opu = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
displayport_msp_col_adjust = 0 Allowed range: -6 - 0
displayport_msp_row_adjust = 0 Allowed range: -3 - 0
displayport_max7456_col_adjust = 0 Allowed range: -6 - 0
displayport_max7456_row_adjust = 0 Allowed range: -3 - 0
displayport_max7456_inv = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
displayport_max7456_blk = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 3
displayport_max7456_wht = 2 Allowed range: 0 - 3
esc_sensor_halfduplex = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
led_inversion = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 7
camera_control_mode = HARDWARE_PWM Allowed values: HARDWARE_PWM, SOFTWARE_PWM, DAC mode of operation, software_pwm is the least restrictive in terms of available PIN selection, but it requires both a resistor and a capacitor to work properly; hardware_pwm is almost guaranteed to work with just a resistor given you can spare a timer for it; dac (not yet implemented) is supported on the very few FCs that have a DAC pin broken out and unoccupied by other functions, it works by direct connection to the camera. Camera Control
camera_control_ref_voltage = 330 Allowed range: 200 - 400 voltage (in 10 mV steps) measured across your camera's floating OSD and GND pins, usually 3V3, but not guaranteed, e.g. my RunCam Sky has 3V4, and some cameras have reportedly have as low as 3V1.
camera_control_key_delay = 180 Allowed range: 100 - 500 the duration of each key press (in ms presence at the camera_control pin, after consulting with RunCam it was set to 180 ms to accommodate most cameras, while some of them accept as low as 125 ms.
camera_control_internal_resistance = 470 Allowed range: 10 - 1000 the internal resistance (in 100 Ω steps) of your camera, most HS1177 derivatives have 47 kΩ, but that's not guaranteed. You'll have to derive this value for your camera in case the default one doesn't work.
camera_control_inverted = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON
pinio_config = 1,1,1,1 Array length: 4 Pinio-and-PinioBox
pinio_box = 255,255,255,255 Array length: 4
usb_hid_cdc = OFF Allowed values: OFF, ON HID joystick support is currently only available on F4 / F7 boards.
usb_msc_pin_pullup = ON Allowed values: OFF, ON
flash_spi_bus = 3 Allowed range: 0 - 3
rcdevice_init_dev_attempts = 6 Allowed range: 0 - 10
rcdevice_init_dev_attempt_interval = 1000 Allowed range: 0 - 327680500
gyro_1_bustype = SPI Allowed values: NONE, I2C, SPI, SLAVE
gyro_1_spibus = 1 Allowed range: 0 - 3
gyro_1_i2cBus = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 3
gyro_1_i2c_address = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 119
gyro_1_sensor_align = CW0 Allowed values: DEFAULT, CW0, CW90, CW180, CW270, CW0FLIP, CW90FLIP, CW180FLIP, CW270FLIP
gyro_2_bustype = SPI Allowed values: NONE, I2C, SPI, SLAVE
gyro_2_spibus = 1 Allowed range: 0 - 3
gyro_2_i2cBus = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 3
gyro_2_i2c_address = 0 Allowed range: 0 - 119
gyro_2_sensor_align = DEFAULT Allowed values: DEFAULT, CW0, CW90, CW180, CW270, CW0FLIP, CW90FLIP, CW180FLIP, CW270FLIP
timezone_offset_minutes = 0
dyn_lpf_dterm_min_hz = 150 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 1000
dyn_lpf_dterm_max_hz = 250 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 1000
dterm_lowpass_type = BIQUAD profile 0 Allowed values: PT1, BIQUAD
dterm_lowpass_hz = 150 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
dterm_lowpass2_type = BIQUAD profile 0 Allowed values: PT1, BIQUAD
dterm_lowpass2_hz = 150 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
dterm_notch_hz = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
dterm_notch_cutoff = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 16000
vbat_pid_gain = OFF profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
pid_at_min_throttle = ON profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
anti_gravity_mode = SMOOTH profile 0 Allowed values: SMOOTH, STEP
anti_gravity_threshold = 250 profile 0 Allowed range: 20 - 1000
anti_gravity_gain = 5000 profile 0 Allowed range: 1000 - 30000
feedforward_transition = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
acc_limit_yaw = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 500
acc_limit_yaw = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 500
acc_limit = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 500
crash_dthreshold = 50 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
crash_gthreshold = 400 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
crash_setpoint_threshold = 350 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
crash_time = 500 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 5000
crash_delay = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 500
crash_recovery_angle = 10 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 30
crash_recovery_rate = 100 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 255
crash_limit_yaw = 200 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 1000
crash_recovery_angle = 10 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 30
crash_recovery_rate = 100 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 255
crash_recovery = OFF profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON, BEEP
iterm_rotation = ON profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
smart_feedforward = OFF profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
iterm_relax = RP profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, RP, RPY, RP_INC, RPY_INC
iterm_relax_type = SETPOINT profile 0 Allowed values: GYRO, SETPOINT
iterm_relax_cutoff = 20 profile 0 Allowed range: 1 - 100
iterm_relax_type = SETPOINT profile 0 Allowed values: GYRO, SETPOINT
iterm_relax_cutoff = 20 profile 0 Allowed range: 1 - 100
iterm_windup = 100 profile 0 Allowed range: 30 - 100
iterm_limit = 400 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 500
pidsum_limit = 500 profile 0 Allowed range: 100 - 1000
pidsum_limit_yaw = 400 profile 0 Allowed range: 100 - 1000
pidsum_limit_yaw = 400 profile 0 Allowed range: 100 - 1000
yaw_lowpass_hz = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 500
throttle_boost = 5 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
throttle_boost_cutoff = 15 profile 0 Allowed range: 5 - 50
throttle_boost_cutoff = 15 profile 0 Allowed range: 5 - 50
acro_trainer_angle_limit = 20 profile 0 Allowed range: 10 - 80
acro_trainer_lookahead_ms = 50 profile 0 Allowed range: 10 - 200
acro_trainer_debug_axis = ROLL profile 0 Allowed values: ROLL, PITCH
acro_trainer_gain = 75 profile 0 Allowed range: 25 - 255
p_pitch = 50 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
i_pitch = 75 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
align_board_pitch = 0 Allowed range: -180 - 360
d_pitch = 32 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
f_pitch = 60 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
p_roll = 46 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
i_roll = 65 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
align_board_roll = 0 Allowed range: -180 - 360
d_roll = 30 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
f_roll = 60 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
p_yaw = 45 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
i_yaw = 100 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
align_board_yaw = 0 Allowed range: -180 - 360
d_yaw = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
use_integrated_yaw = OFF profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
integrated_yaw_relax = 200 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 255
f_yaw = 100 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 2000
angle_level_strength = 50 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
horizon_level_strength = 50 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
horizon_transition = 75 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
level_limit = 55 profile 0 Allowed range: 10 - 90
horizon_tilt_effect = 75 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 250
horizon_tilt_expert_mode = OFF profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
abs_control_gain = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 20
abs_control_limit = 90 profile 0 Allowed range: 10 - 255
abs_control_error_limit = 20 profile 0 Allowed range: 1 - 45
abs_control_cutoff = 11 profile 0 Allowed range: 1 - 45
use_integrated_yaw = OFF profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
integrated_yaw_relax = 200 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 255
launch_control_mode = NORMAL profile 0 Allowed values: NORMAL, PITCHONLY, FULL Launch-Control
launch_trigger_allow_reset = ON profile 0 Allowed values: OFF, ON
launch_trigger_throttle_percent = 20 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 90
launch_angle_limit = 0 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 80
launch_control_gain = 40 profile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 200
thr_mid = 50 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
thr_expo = 0 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 0 - 100
rates_type = BETAFLIGHT rateprofile 0 Allowed values: BETAFLIGHT, RACEFLIGHT Allowed range: 0 - 100
tpa_breakpoint = 1500 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 750 - 2250
tpa_mode = D rateprofile 0 Allowed values: PD, D
throttle_limit_type = OFF rateprofile 0 Allowed values: OFF, SCALE, CLIP
throttle_limit_percent = 100 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 25 - 100
roll_rate_limit = 1998 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 200 - 1998
pitch_rate_limit = 1998 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 200 - 1998
yaw_rate_limit = 1998 rateprofile 0 Allowed range: 200 - 1998
*telemetry_disabled_voltage = OFF
*telemetry_disabled_temperature = OFF
*gps_ublox_use_galileo = OFF
*gps_set_home_point_once = OFF
*gps_rescue_allow_arming_without_fix = OFF
*gps_rescue_use_mag = ON
*thrust_linear = 0
*scheduler_optimize_rate = OFF
*dterm_cut_percent = 65
*dterm_cut_gain = 15
*dterm_cut_range_hz = 40
*dterm_cut_lowpass_hz = 7
*integrated_yaw_relax = 200
*use_integrated_yaw = OFF
*gyro_rpm_notch_q = 500
*gyro_rpm_notch_min = 100
*dterm_rpm_notch_harmonics = 1
*dterm_rpm_notch_q = 500
*dterm_rpm_notch_min = 100